BonWasy Eleven Table Tennis Adapter for Meta Quest 2 VR

(1 customer review)


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The BonWasy adapter is made of a real table tennis racket with the 3d printed attachment to hold the controller which makes the exprience of the Eleven Table Tennis VR game even more real.

The feeling of a soft wooden blade in your hand is superb. The feeling of a real rubber under your pointing finger gives you the right grip with the racket.

The vibration felt through the wooden part of the adapter feels real and amazing.

The total weight with controller, AAA battery and supplied AA to AAA adapter is approximately 200g.

If you’d like to use another blade and rubbers (which can reduce or increase the weight), I can do it – please contact me before ordering with the link where it can be purchased and I will provide a custom payment link that will reflect the cost of your racket of choice.

Adapter position and calibration in ETT

Every BonWasy adapter is different and needs its own unique preset in Eleven Table Tennis. When your adapter was produced it was calibrated and tested. For your convenience, the preset is uploaded to the cloud and can be downloaded using a provided code in the package the adapter came in.

If you wish, you can calibrate the adapter yourself using an user friendly in-built into ETT tool. Please see the video below for instructions:


BonWasy Eleven Table Tennis Adapter for Meta Quest 2 VR

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg

Left-handed, Right-handed

1 review for BonWasy Eleven Table Tennis Adapter for Meta Quest 2 VR

  1. Brett Young

    In short…outstanding! I would have given this a 5 star rating if it was slightly lighter, but I believe I can fix that issue (read below)

    Even out of the box (Literally), the bat felt “right”. No mysterious edge shots or inexplicable misses. The tracking seems to explain this upgrade. The tracking seems excellent and the best yet.

    The defaullt cailbration is not correct showing the controller at an angle in the virtual bat. So over a number of days I calibrated it as accurately as possible. This was pretty easy and with Mixed Reality, it’s very easy to see where the virtual racket sits in your real/virtual passthrough hand.

    The bat, with rubbers on both sides and a reduced weight AAA battery/holder, weighs 207 grams and is noticeably heavier which affects backhand more due to my wrist position and how I play backhand. I do love the feel of the rubbers and I might cut and remove the untouched segments to reduce weight, but I’m quickly adapting to the increased weight (20 grams) and it may well become a non issue.

    The handle of this particular real bat, is small-ish, at least for my hand, but it is a REAL bat and it’s been a long time since I held a real table tennis bat. I’ve subsequently wrapped the handle Alien Pros grip tape to bulk up the handle size and it’s been VERY helpful in giving a safer and more effective grip and feel to the bat, totally worth it and very cheap on Amazon for a pack of 4. The tape also helps lower the centre of gravity.

    My forehand topspin drives/loops/smash attacks have immediately gone to another level and my forehand was already my strongest offensive hand albeit with WAY too many inexplicable misses and edges which have reduced dramatically. My forehand feels VERY true. The days of looking down to my controller are gone thankfully!

    The FEEL, overall, is tremendous and created instant nostalgia for my IRL days….so this increases immersion and my wantonness to improve further…just when I needed a bit of motivation as well.

    Interestingly, I have played many many hundreds of hours against the AI over 3 years in Single Player mode and know EVERYTHING about the AI quirks. With the Bonwasy, my serves have introduced a LOT, perhaps doubled, the AI’s unforced errors on return…odd but cool nevertheless!
    This is without me changing my style or Looking to increase spin. I noticed that form the first game I played. It was so prevalent, that I thought I must have it on a low skill level, but no, it was Legendary (or custom 100%). Very interesting. I expect the increased weight and change of bat angle/bat position in now more accurate and I’m getting the “True Spin” output from my serves….nice added benefit 🙂

    Great bat/paddle/racket and can highly recommend it!

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